April Fools Day.

No prank!!

 I DO NOT greet you with a "HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY"

Beloved, this blog is not an encouragement to every one believer or a believer to participate in this kind of celebration.

I am sincerely against pranking. 


A prank or PRACTICAL JOKE is a mischievous trick played on someone. Generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, and discomfort (wikipedia.org).

Surprisingly, Pranking or practical jokes are one very large amount of viewers on any social media platform today! Not a few YouTubers and VIDEO CREATOR are pranksters, they are easily thought of situations where they can play the emotion and mind of somebody.

Do you feel comfortable watching them? or do you feel bothered for those who are pranked? 



I'm very concerned about you whether you are a believer or not, a prankster or a victim. I AM VERY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR SOUL.

Believe me, any PRANKSTERS AND PRANK ITSELF attacks the emotion, mind, and spiritual aspects of a person.

Emotionally. People who pranked always had the trust issue in any situation and or circumstances they faced. 

Mentally. Those who experienced pranks always ended up doing things necessary when a true situation happens. They fall into thinking if what they see is true or not. 

Spiritually. For those who are doing this, I want you to know that the devil has the main role of playing your mind and emotions. You are the one 

Praking is also a weapon used by Satan. In what way?

1. Satan 'tightly' holds the tongue of pranksters to easily lie to someone.

2. Satan has built his territory in the minds and hearts of pranksters.

Watching pranks on Social Media seems funny, and interesting, and makes you relax but watching those turn good things into bad.

If you were not aware, you will find yourself doing that too. If ever you fall into the bait of Satan you will be one of his puppets that might use to launch his weapon at millions of people.

The word prank or joke is not visible and can not be read in any part of the Bible, but I tell you even if it is not visible that cannot be notified by the reader the Lord is against this kind of activity.

Proverbs 10:23 "It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom."

Proverbs 26:18-19 [18] As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, [19] So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?

The word "sport" here means to play, mock, mocker, deride, and derision.

This kind of behavior is not allowed to us as a believer.

The Lord is very serious as Apostle Paul said "God is not mocked" in Galatians 6:9, we Christians MUST NOT do pranking that will and can hurt the emotions, mind, and physical of men. 

We must speak what Matthew 5:37 says "but let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:

For if out of that words  the same verses says the consequence "for whatsoever more than these cometh the evil." - Evil here in Mathew 5:37 means death.

Remember, whatsoever we speak the Lord listens, the angel that was assigned to listen to every word that comes out of our mouth listens carefully and writes down those words. 

This kind of behavior or character must be removed in us. 

Ephesians 5:4 "Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

The word "jesting" also means prank. God is not approved in this kind of character to a believer. 


Are you one doing pranks? Stop doing that!

If you continue doing that because you feel happy about it, think about this, YOU ARE HAPPY TO BE ONE OF THE PUPPETS OF SATAN NOWADAYS. 

Secondly, when you fall into Satan's bait it is hard to rid of it. 

Again, I am concerned with your soul brethren, so please consider this. 


Pray with all your heart

Letter for my Brethren
I pray that in these last days we see every bait of satan, so all of us be aware of what he prepared for us.
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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