Keep Doing, Brethren!

Please Brethren, keep doing this every day.

I want to share with you my experience last month, the 26th of April 2022. I do believe if this turns out to be a wonderful time with me and with my friends I know it sometimes could help you too.

I am the type of person not much willing to go out and have some fun. I am a very home buddy, meaning I can stay in our house without feeling bored.

So, it is very happy for me to share with you my experience last month. 

I went to my friend who is my Bible School classmate. Here is some of her work: and her Facebook group:

Well, she has a REGULAR morning devotion with the Lord which I FORGET to do since the pandemic.

Now, the beautiful thing is that I almost forget that for a long time when I went there, what she was doing is a huge slap in my face. It is a shame! shame indeed.

While knowing what she is doing right beside me, I do remember the old me. Doing my devotion every morning before doing the household chores. 

I missed who I am before! I missed the presence of the Lord!


Here are the things I do after I visit a friend of mine...


A decision is a very important thing to do in life, right? We can't do something in our lives without MAKING A DECISION.

I believe that we live a life that is full of choice and we can not choose what we want if we don't have any decision. Right?

The decision we make will be part of our lives whether it is good or not. Whether we like it or not. My, your, and our decisions will affect and reflect who we are, what we are, and who and what we will be

So then, I make a decision that I know will help me to go back on track like the old time and to be a better ME in the future. 


Time is very important.

Punctualness or punctuality shows effectiveness. 

You will not be an effective doer if you will not act without punctuality, right? Being in and on time is very important.

The time we spent is just a borrowed time. We don't know how and when our lives end, but as long as we 'know' that our time is just borrowed, we will make the best out of it, right?

Setting time with the Lord is not a waste of time. It is a time where a borrowed time must be used in very meaningful work.


I start my daily morning devotion with the Lord.

Just the Lord and I. My pen and my notebook.  Like the old times!


Are you lost track of what lead you to do since you met Jesus? If YES, it is not yet too late to do that. it is not the end of the road, you have still time to make the best out of it for the Lord.  

Like King Solomon, when he was old 1 Kings 11:4 "For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his hearts after gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father." He also lost in his track towards God's presence, but the good thing he did was He never ended up there, rather he decided to go back where he was started in the Lord.

He wrote Songs of Solomon where we can read how he goes back to the presence of the Lord.

If you going to ask me, whether he was in hell or heaven, I proudly say, He is in "heaven" right now.

He did not let himself drown in a situation that is too far from the Lord nor did he never let himself  in place where the presence of the Lord is not there!

For, king Solomon even though he was in old age the end of the road is not yet finished,  the remaining half mile of his road he makes the best out of it. 

Therefore, you, I, and we can do it also. Let's make an immediate decision, set your time, and start what you have decided. 


Pray with your whole heart

 Letter for my Brethren

I pray that the time we spent today is not only meaningful to our own eyes but rather be ALWAYS meaningful to the Lord our God.

I pray that the Spirit of the Lord be with you always and teach you the right decisions. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen. 

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