Are You In-Love?

Let the Lord put you in a relationship that you deserve.

I Don't know why I am writing this, but maybe because I want to share with you young brethren, how to handle relationships.

Okay! I am not in a long relationship yet, but one thing I have learned in 10 years of being single, IT IS LOVING THE LORD FIRST, before the Lord lets or puts you into a serious relationship.

Yes, I tell you, you are not yet ready in a relationship if you don't love the Lord the way He wanted you to love Him.

Mark 12:30 "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment."

MUST: You need to be matured first in spiritual before you go into a serious relationship. 


How will you love the Lord the way He wants you to love Him if you were single but yet you don't have enough time for Him? We all know having someone in your life will get much of your time.

It will be worst for you young people of God if you go into a serious relationship without having a serious relationship with the Lord first.

It is just like you are the one who put yourself in a dangerous situation. The Lord knows if you're ready or not. 

So, if the Lord knows you're not ready but yet you push yourself to be in a relationship, I tell you, you will be ended up broken-hearted and the worst you will make a decision that you will regret in the end. 

Secondly, the Lord wants you in a relationship where He is the one who puts you in there. 

The Lord gives a man or woman that you deserve. 


We failed to choose the man or woman that we want to love, but the Lord never fails or mismatches someone BECAUSE THE LORD PUT A COUPLE INTO ONE. 

Mark 10:9 "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

The Lord never put someone together and will get separated at the end. THE LORD PUT SOMEONE TOGETHER TO STAY TOGETHER FOREVER.

Therefore, don't say he or she is God-given if you will choose to broke each other's heart.

Thirdly, the Lord knows what you need.

Yes! The Lord knows what you need, He also knows your character, your strength, and your weakness.

That's why the Lord will give you what you need, a person that will be your source of strength when you are weak, a person that will strengthen you in faith, a person that will not let you have a broken relationship with God. 

I always say this to young people that I've encounter having a relationship or choose to be in a relationship, CHOOSE A MAN OR WOMAN THAT WILL LOVE THE LORD FIRST BEFORE HE OR SHE LOVES YOU.

A man or a woman that will understand why you need to serve the Lord, why you need to put the Lord first. A man or a woman that will pray for you, a man that will encourage you to continue what you believe in. 

There are so many reasons why we fail to choose the person we're going to love but it only ended up in a MAIN REASON: We don't ask God before we put ourselves into a serious relationship. 

If you know you're not into a serious relationship with God today, don't push yourself to find the "someone" but you let yourself LOVE THE LORD, and He will lead you to a man or a woman that you DESERVE. A relationship that you will not regret having, but you always count that relationship as a blessing from God.


Letter for my Brethren

I pray that our love for God grows. A love that will lead us to love Him seriously in these last days. May the Holy Spirit of God help and guide us in loving the Lord properly. 

I plead the blood of Jesus to cover all of you in harm, in Jesus' name, Amen. 

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