Captivate us, Lord Jesus, and set our eyes on You devastate us with Your presence falling down

There is one song that was come into my mind it is the song that has the lyrics "Captivate us, Lord Jesus and set our eyes on You devastate us with Your presence falling down".

I don't memorize this song, but recently it just come up into my mind. I don't know why but this song is just running through my head. There is something in the song that makes me thrilled. So, I just found out myself looking at that song on Google and YouTube and Finally, I found it!

The title of the song: Captivate Us
And sang by: Watermark

I  believe that every song that was in our heart that sometimes was used by God to lift us will someday use by God to remind us and to lift us again.

One of the Pastor said, "Whatever Testimony used by God to lift, encourage, and to draw you to God, whether it is a person, things, and songs that are of God, it will always leave marks in our hearts that no matter what storm hit us it will not wash away."

This is true to me. This song I used to sing when I was in High School when I first met Jesus. I remember in my High School, I was surrounded by Christians who are just like me, who were first-timer and freshly surrendered their lives to God. So then when they found a new song they announced it to the whole class, and we sang that song. 

I consider High School as my training ground. It is my Second Year of High School when I first accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 

I remember, even I don't say that I am a Christian and or I accept Jesus, all my works are always connected in the Bible. Even El Filibusterismo and other paper works. 

I was always called by my Filipino teacher to explain the Bible. She always called me together with our 1st and 2nd honors and I consider myself as the least student of our batch. So then, when my Filipino teacher called me, all their eyes and ears are in me. Thank God because the least student of our batch can explain at least one verse of the Bible.

When I look back on what and who I am before, something is missing in me that I need the most for me to remain in Christ. To remain a true-life testimony for Christ. It is the trilled that was once planted in my heart.

The song that was used by God was the song that singing in my head. Once again, I feel thrilled, thrilled when I first met Jesus.

I would love to encourage you today that once you experience something from the Lord whether it is from the person, thing, and song don't ignore it, because there is something in them that the Lord wants to fill our heart with thrilled and from that, the Lord will captivate us. 

To be captivated once again by God is overwhelming. It is a feeling that you can't find here on earth.

I want all of you to be captivated by God through His kindness, faithfulness, mercy, grace, and love and all of us be surrounded by the thrilled from the Lord. That thrill will lead us to seek Him with all our hearts. 

I am captivated by God. Through His kindness, faithfulness, mercy, grace, and love that never fails. He is the one who filled my heart with thrilled. 

Pray with all your heart

Letter for my Brethren
I pray that we always feel the excitement that knowing the Lord is with us no matter what our situation is.
May He always filled our hearts with joy, peace, and love that we can use to seek Him with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength, without doubt, negative thoughts, emotions that hinder us to feel thrilled with Jesus. 
I plead the blood of Jesus to cover us in all harm and plans of the devil, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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  1. Thanks for your encouragement. But why am i feeling sadness here....

    1. Thank you for sharing what you've felt with this blog.
      Sadness. Maybe because of what we know about people today (Christians and non-Christians), especially Christians are not the same as what they feel about the Lord when they first met Him.
      Lets continue to encourage one another. ❤
