We just have talked about the "Ten Commandments".
And one of the Ten Commandment is in Exodus 20:3 "Thou shat have no other gods before me".
In the first part of this, we already know that it is not the devil who is the "most" enemy of all men but it is I, SELF.
We don't easily recognize this, why? because we do like always to follow our wants rather than asking for God's will in thinking that it is all normal for us as Christian. But isn't.
While reading the blog post "No Other God" I thought that I and SELF is just the "other god" of men, but it is not.
The other god of men is the things that we do that make it our "priority". Like our school - study, office - work, money, and even the especial someone - family, friend, and your boyfriend-girlfriend.
It's very sad that we just think that we are just working, studying, and or thinking of for the best of our loved ones.
But we already set aside the Lord.
Did we do this?! The answer is YES!!
Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
It is very clear in Matthew 6:33 the FIRST thing we need to seek is who? The Kingdom of God. Outside of it will not and should not take the first place.
Many youths today, especially Christians are not taking the Church or The Lord seriously.
Why? It is very easy for a youth today to neglect the Lord and the Lord's day by choosing to make assignments, projects, thesis, and other school curriculum works rather than going to church to serve the Lord first.
Many excuses we can hear from youth today and one of the main excuses is "that is the only day we can do our assignments and projects." Not considering that they only consume 2hours in the church.
How many Christians today are working?
If you are one, I will ask you again "Is that Monday to Saturday wages is not enough for you? that's why you also take the day that must be for the Lord?
Many working Christians might say, "Lord, I know you can understand me", "Sorry Lord, You know I have lots of things to do, and you know what our family needs", etc.
The Lord gives them work, not to be a curse but be a blessing for him/her that will provide for their needs.
But, many Christians today forget that they must put God first before their needs, why this thing happens to many Christians? Because their eye is set on things that they need not on the things that God can provide for them.
Read again: Matthew 6:33
How many Christians would say "I need money?"
We cannot deny that all people needed the money, right? And it consider nowadays as the basic needs of the people. Why? We cannot eat without money to buy food, we cannot have clothes without money to buy those, we don't have a house to rent or to own without money to pay.
It is not bad to have money, right?
Money makes bad when our purpose of living is to have work and to earn much money!
Read: 1 Timothy 6:10
Yes. The second god of many Christians.
Many Christians claiming that " Sunday is a family day".
Are you one claiming this? I will definitely disagree. Why? Because Sunday is the day which the Lord has made to all believers to serve and to glorify Him.
How could you serve and glorify God if you are with your family strolling the mall or on the beach or in other places?
Remember, Exodus 20:8-11.
We cannot serve God if we are in the places that we cannot serve and glorify God which our own wills are the present and taking control of.
Who is your God?
Remember the one who is our priority will be our God.
The Lord was serving is a jealous God. He doesn't want to be the second choice nor be just your last resort.
He wants to be the first in everything in your life.
When you wake up, when you eat, drink, when you going to bed, when you make decisions, and in every small detail of your life, God wants you to be on your first list.
Don't let other things be your god, but let God be your God. After all, He is above everything.
Letter for my Brethren
I pray that every one of us is aware of what's happening in us, especially what we had had priorities on this last day.
May the Lord see that He is the God we want to serve in his day.
I plead the blood of Jesus to cover all of you in all harm and plans of the devil. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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