This is a nonsense life! I am wasting my time!!

These words I heard often to those people who are angry, mad, and to those who are tired of themselves.

Honestly speaking, I will not exempt myself from saying I didn't say those words or I didn't even think of those words.

Unfortunately, I did say those words many times. Because I've been experienced depression, tiredness, impatience not with anyone but myself. 

I've been in a situation that I want something to happen in my life, but I think, I see and I feel that nothing is happening in me. Especially when I saw people's success and achievements. 

I've been very frustrated with myself. I keep myself busy with a lot of things to forget those kinds of words but my mind is preoccupied with the thoughts of "This is a nonsense life. You're just wasting your time".

Imagine, at that time, I am in a Ministry and doing things that I've been very interested in for the beginning. However, I've delivered myself in thought, and feelings of negativities of words " this is a nonsense life! You're just wasting your time".

And somehow, when I preoccupied my mind with those words, I ended up with the thought of quitting and stopping what I've started.

However, when I decided to quit and stop what I am doing, out of nowhere, someone will appreciate what I am doing, what I've preached, and how I am in the ministry. I will hear often a personal prayer for me from brethren, how they want and loved me to stay in the ministry.


I can't blame you that you think, see, and feel that way. because I've been there and I know the feeling of being frustrated and disappointed in your selves. 

Even you think you did your best, but in the end, it seems like your best wasn't good enough. 

I will not blame you to feel that way but I want to encourage you, who you are and what field of work you are, and or you are one of the students, I want you to think this, "Your life isn't nonsense nor what are you doing isn't nonsense." 

Why I am saying this? Because never know what you were doing someone is appreciating it and there is someone that looks upon you like you are their encourager to continue what they were doing right now. 

However, Believe it or not, those thoughts are not just come up in our mind, it is the devil who puts such thoughts in us.  Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."


Because the devil wants us to feel frustrated and hateful in ourselves. He doesn't want us to trust the Lord nor in the works of the Lord in our lives.

The devil puts us in a situation that we cannot help ourselves to recover and stand up against him. It is in the mind where the battle begins, where when the devil attacks us he assures his dart goes on the center of it.

Therefore the thought of "This is a nonsense life, and you just waste your time." is one of the fiery darts of the devil and he put it at the center of your mind. 

I know how hard to overcome such kind of thought. It is not just an overnight battle! and it is sometimes you acknowledge that you've already overcome such thought but it is actually in your mind and waiting for his attack again. 

Therefore we need a defense that can attack the fiery dart of the devil and overcome it!



Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

We, definitely forget to think good when we are in a bad situation, right? We easily forget the goodness, faithfulness of the Lord towards us all. 

And just see how the situation feeds us with negative emotions and thoughts.

Some said, "Don't let the situation control you, but let you control the situation." This is RIGHT, right? But, we often choose to be under the attack of the devil.

Note: if we don't want to be filled with negative thoughts we should start our day thinking of Philippians 4:8 which is the word of God, and cast out all the fiery darts of the devil in Jesus' name.


Colossians 3:17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him."

This verse is not only when we work in the ministry but also in secular work. 

This character we forget all the time, that we should work in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Doing things in the name of Jesus Christ is a must!

If you do this, you'll find yourself happy and content with the things you have. And you'll never think that your life and what you were doing is just a nonsense and waste of time, but rather you will see those things as precious and very important to you.


Focus on your own business and be contented with your profit. 

How hard to look and fix your eyes on your work or at the things that you need to do. Yet we choose to look at their success and achievements in life. 

So, we ended up comparing ourselves to them. This is one of the reasons why the devil easily puts a dart on our minds. 

We are the ones who give place to the devil because of discontentment.


Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."

We need the shield of faith to overcome the fiery darts of the devil.

The shield of faith is the word of God. Our mind must be filled with the word of God, that the fiery dart of the devil has no space in our mind. 


Luke 10:7 "for the laborer is worthy of his hire..."

Every work has its reward. 

We have a reward in due time when God saw that you are ready for it.

The reward is not an instant that once we want it we get it. No! It is full of hard work. 

Do you want to be rewarded? You should work hard on it. Remember the Lord we serve is not blind to see your work and stingy to not give you what you deserve!


Matthew 23:12 "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

It is very important that whatever you have right now, what you have had to achieve your good character remains.

Remember, all things that you have, your ability, knowledge, strength, talent is not come from you alone. It is God's given.

Therefore, you need to remain your feet on the ground. No one is higher than you, no one is more talented than you, no one is much given than you. 

The Lord is not unfair! It is the way we enhanced our talents that's why it grows. He gives us the talent not to mock others who are not good in our field. But He gives us the talent to glorify Him.

Let God exalt you in due time!


Whatever you were doing today is not a nonsense and waste of time. If it seems you don't earn from that, wait for the right time.

The right and due time will come, especially when you do that with love and in the name of Jesus. 

Remember, don't be discourage your time will come. 


Letter for my Brethren

I pray that your heart be filled with trust in the Lord, that in your heart believes "He is not done in your life". Your heart be filled with promises of God that will help you to stay working with love and in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you in all forms of harm and diseases, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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