When I was a kid, I asked myself “why I am alive?”, “why I exist?” “Why the Lord let me live?” Maybe these questions run through your head before when you are a kid. Or these questions are still running through your head?

These are the questions that will not remain questions anymore in us. I hope this blog will and can answer these questions of yours.

Let's start this in a...


My family was celebrating New Year Eve. Since then, New Years' Eve is a big event that we (my family) are celebrating. Firstly, at this event, we usually used to thank God for everything that He did in our family in the past year and a New Year to welcome and be thankful for.

We usually start New Years' Eve with prayer, remembering how the Lord is faithful, merciful towards our family. How the Lord shows His love and loving-kindness to us in the past year and the year to come.

When I was maybe 6-8 years old, there was an amazing experience in my life that I will never forget. A moment of my life that I will acknowledge that it is God who saves me from tragedy.


Here is what happens, since when I was a kid, I am an early bed, I usually go to bed early and sleep. But, New Years' Eve came, and I told mom that I will go to sleep, she didn't agree to it, but she said, "wait until we eat. Look at the fireworks first."

So, because of my young age, and the excitement of my siblings carry me to go out and look at the fireworks. I forget that I need to go to bed and sleep. After all of this, we ate, and I was about to go to the bed, lay down, and about take a rest, but when I am looking at the ceiling there is something different about it. I can see THE. STARS. IN. THE. SKY. 

Being curious, about what is it, and what happened, I am going to stand up, I don't know but something took me to look at my pillow and I saw a bullet in it.

Imagine, if my parents allow me to go to bed at that moment when I told them that I was sleepy, maybe New Years' Eve for us is not happy as it is before and or maybe New Years' Eve for my Family will not be a big event that usually celebrating.

Because their daughter died on New Years' Eve.

The YEAR 2015

When I enter Full-time Ministry Training year 2015, our Pastor who teaches us said "If you consider your life as a second life today, literally, you who are saved in a tragedy or near-death situation, the Lord saves you in the hands of death, because the devil knows you will be used by God."


I consider this life as a second life. God saves me in the hands of death to be a personal testimony in each of every one of us that the Lord has a plan for all mankind. 


When the Lord called me back year 2012 for the ministry, It was a youth camp day of the church where I attended to, praise, and worship part of a service. I asked God saying “Lord, I don’t like this life anymore, you said you have a better plan for me (reciting Jeremiah 29:11), Lord, what is your better plan for me?” while I was talking to the Lord...

I saw a vision of mine standing in front of many people, not because I’m having a concert in that vision, but it was me preaching the word of God. 

On that day I do understand why the Lord let me lived, and existed until today. God has a better plan for me. 

A plan of God not for my destruction but the better me.

This better plan of God is not just for me but also His plan for you. FOR THE PLAN OF GOD NEVER CHANGES FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS. 


Why are you still alive? It is because God has a better plan for you. What is this? IT IS THE PLAN OF SALVATION.

You know what, even I grew up in a Christian family, I never knew that God has called “THE PLAN OF SALVATION”. 

All I knew is that if I attend a Christian fellowship, I am already saved. I am so wrong! My friend if you also think about what I’ve thought about salvation, you are wrong!

My friends, believe it or not, attending Bible studies and Church fellowships are not an assurance of salvation.

Like what the Bible said: Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."


All of us in the church are calling Jesus, as our Lord and Savior, but you know what, our PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP what matters to our Lord, not because we just calling Him as “Lord”.


YOUR SALVATION is the plan of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The plan that only Jesus can give and can offer freely to every one of us. It is God’s pleasure to give us this plan which is the reason why Jesus Christ died on Calvary.

Plan of Salvation, a plan of God that can only assure us to enter heaven through Jesus Christ the only Savior of the world.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Salvation through Jesus Christ, nothing more and nothing less.

Why are you still alive? It is because God wants you to receive the salvation He was offering you this day! Accept it and claim it, for it is the reason Why Jesus Christ was once crucified and died.

My friends don’t harden your heart to the Lord; let him take control of your life today!


Letter for my Brethren 

I pray that God tells you His plan for you and you might accept it with your whole heart. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you in Jesus' name, Amen.

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