Are You Doing An Exercise?

Many exercise platforms are built to help people to lose weight and to achieve the beach body they desire. 

Some are doing exercise to have a healthier body. 

I do an exercise this year that I've never done for the past years because of the busy schedules I have.

But I realized that exercise is very important whatever body shape you have or whatever is your weight today. Because before, I thought exercise is only done and be done by an overweight person or having less weight so they can gain a weight that is normal to their age and height. EXERCISE MUST AND SHOULD BE DONE BY ALL MEN, FOR THEM TO BE HEALTHIER.

If in our physical body exercise is very important to make us healthy and to be far-off to all kinds of sickness and diseases.

Spiritually speaking exercise is also very important to do by all Christians. To make us healthier, stronger, to be an overcomer.

In the Bible, Paul one of the servants and the Apostle of Jesus is doing an exercise in his spirit. Yes, for him taking a spiritual exercise is a chief need to stay his good standing before God.

1Co 9:25  And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. 

1Co 9:26  I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: 

1 Corinthians 9:27  But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I should be a castaway. 

In the verses above we can see and understand how important for Paul to do the spiritual exercise.





Spiritual exercise done by Paul is not an easy exercise, is not a week that has a cheat day (which is the day that a person is working out is her/his rest), spiritually speaking these are the days where you don't have church services. 

It is also not a day that if he experienced persecution, circumstances, sickness, and diseases he will stop for a while, and continue if he is in a good situation again. 

Paul is doing spiritual exercises every day. He never stops doing it, because he knows if he stops doing it, he can experience a spiritual breakdown, a  spiritual defeat in every battle he will face.

As Christian in these last days, we need also to do spiritual exercise, it is not good to just sit back and relax and let things happen in your way like you can do everything, and you will win any fight.

It is not also good to just be used to it, in any standing you have in Christ, and you will not do anything for you to grow, matured, and maintain the good standing you have in Christ.

I am saying this because many Christians today, are not aware of things they were doing spiritually. Many are just church attendees, they just get used to be Christian every church service and become worldly Christian when off to church.

These days are very deceptive, many are saying and introducing themselves as Christians but they are not doing spiritual exercises, but they will feel good, happy, strong, and still standing spiritually.


If physical exercise has its procedure that must be followed to obtain the body you desire.

Spiritually speaking there is also a procedure for you to be healthier, strong, matured, and overcomer.

Things that you need to do are: Reading the Bible, Fasting, Attending Church Services, and Praying. 

Things that are the basic requirement that a Christian needs to do DAILY, but unfortunately, these things are the most forgotten.

If we will forget the basic things that we need to do for our spiritual exercise we will not be like what Paul did for him to obtain a good standing before God.

And we will not be able to achieve what Paul achieved regarding spirituality. Like THE INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN, FINISH THE RACE, and  NOT A CASTAWAY.


This time of Pandemic there is a lot of time we have for us to do spiritual exercise. 

Apostle  Paul does this and looks at what the Lord did to Him and how he becomes the greatest apostle in his time.

He also overcomes the world and the temptation of Satan.

I am sure if we do the spiritual exercise DAILY we will overcome the world and the temptation of the world. 

We will have the incorruptible crown, we will finish the race, and we will not be castaway in the family of God.

These days we need to do spiritual exercise. 


Letter for my Brethren

I pray that our body, soul, and spirit do the same as the Spirit of the Lord leads us to do spiritual exercise. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you and protect you in all harm, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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