Work for your Salvation

Have you heard the statement saying "We will have nothing to do to be saved because the Lord Jesus Christ finished it at the cross as He said, "it is finished".

John 19:30 

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."


What is in your mind when you read this?

In the first scenario, I have an experience when we do the "follow up" (it is an act of visiting the new members and the older one to their house. The purpose is to know their condition at that moment). This woman that we visited is a first-timer who attended a Born Again Christian fellowship. She heard a message that pertains to all believers of God about following the Lord must also do the sacrificing. 

But this woman is not convinced of what the Pastor's teaching. While we were in their house she was listening to another Pastor saying that all Christian has nothing to do to remain their salvation. Her reason said "I have nothing to do because the Lord said, "it is finished". She adopts what she hears.

Remember the lock of knowledge can destroy men's lives especially spiritual speaking.

Another scenario is, I am listening to a Pastor Evangelist on Youtube (prepared not to mention the name), He also teaches about Christians has nothing to do because the Lord already did on the cross for us to be saved. He also used the verse John 19:30 "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." 

If you will be asked about that verse what will be your answer?

There is a lot of wrong doctrines or teaching about this verse. One of the doctrines of this is the one that I have given you above. That's why in my other blog post I always reminding all of you to study every God's word you listening to or even reading Christin books and blogs, including mine.

Now, John 19:30 "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." The content of this verse was all about the day of the Lord's crucifixion.

Did the Lord Jesus Christ says "It is finished don't do anything for your salvation because I already did for you" or did the Lord Jesus Christ say "It is finished" BECAUSE HE WAS DONE WITH HIS TASK.

The Lord Jesus Christ did what God the Father told Him to do, and He finished it to the cross. Jesus Christ did His part, He saved mankind. If He did His part for us to be saved. We have a part to do for the Lord.

Believing and accepting Jesus is not enough to be saved. We need to preserve the faith in our hearts, so the Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our hearts. If we do not do what the Lord wills and wants the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will not remain in our hearts. 

So, my question what are they saying that "IT IS FINISHED"? and nothing we can do because we are saved already? 



Work for your salvation now! It is not enough to be saved and to know Jesus Christ oce. Our task as Christians is not yet finished. We have many things to do to protect, to maintain our standing before the Lord. 

Let me reminded you again, IT IS NOT YET FINISHED.


Letter for my Brethren

I pray that all of us be reminded of how important our salvation is. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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