Are You hiding from me in times of trouble?


Did you experience that you have a problem but you feel that no one is beside you, no one would ever care for you, no one is willing to help you?

I've experienced this many times, I've experienced that I can't tell anyone what is in my mind and heart, because I feel that no one could ever care what will I say, even the Lord, I never feel His presence.

Because of this, I welcome the spirit of self-pity. A spirit that brings me down emotionally and mentally. If this gonna happen to you, expect that your spiritual life is weak. I have been so depressed, and believe that the Lord never cares for me. 

Psalm 10:1 

"Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?"

This verse reminds me of  "did the Lord stand too far from us and the worst is He is hiding His face for us, especially in times of trouble?.

We sometimes feel that the Lord is far because we are the ones that are so far from the Lord. Do you believe so? John 15:4 "Abide in me, and I in you..." This is a commandment from God. He said, if we are the ones who will abide in Him, He will abide in us.

If we want to feel the Lord is very near in us and His presence is with us, we should abide in Him. God has never been too far from us, even never hide His face from us. 

He is willing to hear your agony because He is the one who feels and knows our heart. 

The Psalmist said this not because He never feels the presence of the Lord nor He feels that the Lord is far from Him. NO! But rather He said this because of the problem He is facing at that time.

He actually asks and plea God from not hiding his face from Him nor His presence. I believe the Psalmist  Feels how the Lord is with Him that's why he said Psalm 10:12 "Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble." Because the Psalmist lives humbly before the Lord.


Now the key if we don't want to feel that the Lord is too far in us and His hiding, we need to abide in the Lord for abiding in Him is showing our humbleness before the Lord. 


Letter for my Brethren
I pray that our hearts be filled with the love of the Lord.  I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you in Jesus' name, Amen.

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  1. Walang kapantay o mas hihigit pa sa comfort na ibinibigay ng Panginoong Jesus, na Siyang totoong nagmamalasakit..

    Walang sinomang tao ang makapagbibigay ng comfort gaya ng sa Panginoong Jesus..

    Yes let's abide in Him..

  2. Yes. Siya lang talaga. Ang Dios lang wala ng iba.

    Let's all abide in the Lord.
