In His Wings

Let me explain my title before the confusion starts.

God has no wings. But the Bible said in Matthew 23:37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!"  

The Lord comforts all those who called His own.

Do you have experienced seeing a Hen and her chicks? Here in the Philippines, This is one of what Filipinos culturing.

I remember my father used to have this. I've used to see and study how the hen is super protective of their chicks. 

One of the exciting things they have is that the chicks know the voice of the hen and the hen knows the cry of her chicks. 

That even the two hen cross their way they're not confused who is their chicks and even chicks they're not going to follow the other hen. How does this happen?

Hearing the hen seems like they have the same tone and way, on how they will call their chicks. But you know what? Even in our ears seems like they have the same tone and way but their chicks know the voice of their mommy hen.

Now, the Lord compares Himself to the hen and the chicks were all who come and believes in Him which He called His own and children.

Again, He compares Himself to a hen, on how the hen protects, cares, loves His own. Especially on how His real children know His voice.

1. PROTECTS - The Lord protects everyone that He owns. He doesn't want His children to be hurt. He does anything for His children's sake, even how it will cause.

2. CARES - The Lord cares for all His children. Even sometimes we feel not, but the Lord cares what we feel. The Lord opens His arms wider when we need to be comforted. 

3. LOVE - Character of the Lord that leads Him to protects and cares for us. He will do anything for the sake of what He owns that even His life He offers for us to prove His love.

4. VOICE - Hen's special ability to be recognized by their chicks. This is also, the Lord's ability recognized by His believers.

Under the wings of God is symbolizes as His arms open wide. Open wide for them who are willing to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. 

Are you willing to accept the Lord? Accept the Lord now while His arms are open for you.

Letter for my Brethren
I pray that our heart is filled with compassion for the lost soul to share the Word of God with them. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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