Did the world take the grace of God for granted?

If you will answer this question what would be your answer?

This question takes me time to answer, Questioned by an Anonymous comment form "God's grace is sufficient, my Brethren" blog post.

My answer is big and in a capitalized letters Y-E-S...YES!

Don't think that I judge the world nor I led myself to decide first before the Lord. I will always in mind the verse which is written in John 7:24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." I will not judge you neither anyone that could read this blog post. But rather include my self in this message that must look at what I am doing right now for the Lord. The word of God applies to them who love God.

I will assume that the world in the question is the people. People who were expected by God to serve Him, and want to live under the grace of God.

However, let us look at what the people are doing right now, what we are doing right now!

Why we should focus first on this? Because our works are telling us who we are serving in this last day. Well, if we never take for granted the grace of God we will live the way God wants us to live.


Having said this, self means:

1. Self-first

2. Self-wants

3. Self-centered

All the said above are ended up into SELF-MORE and CHRIST-LESS. 

Apostle Paul reminds Pastor Timothy about what would happen in the world, especially to all men in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-2 [1]This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2]For men shall be lovers of their own selves...

This message has never been wrong these days nor in the past years. We could never ever recognized the grace of God, but we easily focused our eyes on what we need and what we want. We are focused on what we want to achieve these days, believing that all we have is because of our own hard work and ability. We don't even recognize that all of that is because of the grace of God in our life.

Again, Apostle Paul wrote The Book of Romans - one of the Book of the Bible. He wrote this for all Roman believers at that time, reminded them that they are not living under the Law but they are living under the grace of God.

However, we are also reminded by the book of Romans about the grace of God. This book was a Book of Justification. NOT SELF-JUSTIFICATION BUT ON HOW WE WILL BE JUSTIFIED BEFORE GOD. - through Jesus, believing in Him and through His blood, we are justified before God. But we have things to do for the justification we received carefully remain in us.

Nevertheless, there is a verse written by Apostle Paul through the Power of the Holy Spirit that reminded all Christians about the grace of God. This verse reminded me that we continue to take for granted the grace of God without our awareness. 

Romans 6:1  

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?"

This verse particularly when the Holy Spirit asked "Shall you continue in sin?" awakes me that through sin, through continuing doing sin, I take for granted the grace of God unaware!

Shall we continue in sin that the grace of God may abound in us? GOD FORBID! As long as we continue in doing sin, especially when you do things that you already know it won't please God; YOU ACTUALLY TAKE FOR GRANTED THE GRACE OF GOD.

All this has openly revealed in us, that men have no excuse before the Lord. Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" 

All sins that Christians must be aware of are openly revealed in us. Why? That we will not be able to take for granted the grace of God that He continue pouring out in these last days.


Did you take for granted the grace of God in your life? GOD FORBID!

The grace of God is a free gift that we received from the Lord no matter who we are and what we are. Even it is a free gift that was given by God, don't let the grace of God be wasted because we are not capable of giving its value and be grateful for it. 

But instead, be grateful and learn how to value and appreciate the grace of God in our lives. For the Lord never wasted His grace and give it to us without purpose.

My brethren, I plead to you, never waste the grace of God in these last days but choose to live under the grace of God.


Pray with all your heart for the Lord.

Letter for my Brethren

I pray that the grace of God continues pouring into your lives. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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  1. Stand in the faith and continue to live in faith. God Bless Marie Ate :)
