What is good in social distancing?

Be close to God.

Since COVID-19 happened social distancing which is also called "physical distancing" is strictly implemented by the government because they believe this will and can keep you and others to a virus that rapidly spreading today. 

But even the government implemented this, we must be responsible enough to follow and to be aware of what happens around us, because if not, we only bring ourselves in danger which can lead us to our cause of death.

In almost three months of lockdown, I've seen how social distancing happens, it leads me to think that it was good not only for our physical safety but social distancing can be applied in spiritual lives.

Yes. We could practice social distancing in our spiritual lives. Especially when it is not helping you to grow, to be matured, to not spend time with Jesus, and when it is not helping you to focus on spiritual things.

Did you experience isolating yourself from others that will lead you into danger?

Social distancing is like that we isolate ourselves from others, that we keep ourselves safe in every threatening danger.


In Old Testament, the Lord's nation which is Israel has commanded to separate themselves from nations that are not serving the true God.

From the beginning the Lord wants His people to be separated from all the nations not because the Lord has His favoritism or has a very beloved nation that He has chosen to be His own.

But He wants His nation to be separated because He wants His nation to be protected not to commit sin by serving other gods. That will lead all Israelites to forsake the one and true God. 


The Lord also wants His believers to be separated from what we called "GENTILES". 

And now in our generations, the Lord commanded us to be separated in the world where the gentiles walked in and live in. 

The Lord said in 1 John 2:15 "Love not the world nor the things of the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

The Lord doesn't want us to be part of the world and to be like the gentiles by loving the world. Why? when this happened the love of the Lord will not be in us.

As you can see, from the beginning until today the Lord wants us to be isolated from the things and to people that will not help us to love the Lord nor the things of the Lord.  


Sometimes we need to have spiritual social distancing to someone for our spiritual safety. 

It is not because we don't like and love them. But in terms of spiritual safety and to remain our salvation we should do social distancing.


Why do we need to isolate ourselves from them? 

Why do we need to escape from them?

Why do we need to implement spiritual-self-social distancing to them?

1 Corinthians 15:33

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." 

The word COMMUNICATION here in this verse means COMPANIONSHIP that is (by implication) INTERCOURSE: COMMUNICATION

It is a very serious matter that we should pay attention to, especially the person that we associate with. An evil companion is not only those who are called unbelievers or someone that is not yet a believer of God. Believe it or not, even those who are called Christians can be evil companions.

Believe me, Christians can also be used by the devil to be an evil companion to his or their brethren in Christ. How it can happen?

1. If they used to get your allotted time for God, and convincing you to do something that is not for God's glory. 

2. When they push you to be an unfaithful servant of God.

3. When they said that they believe in God but not in Three Head (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit).

I believe that not all Christians can be an encourager to you or they will lift you or will help you to grow spiritually. 


2 Timothy 3:1 

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come."

According to the Bible 2 Timothy 3:1, these are the days that all Christians must be aware of because perilous times have come.

If we are not aware of it, it will lead us to destruction. Remember not all who are called Christians today are true Christians and could help you to remain saved. 

If you feel uncomfortable, and the Holy Spirit teaches you to separate with them, do it right away! Do spiritual-social-distancing with them. Don't let yourself stay with them for you'll never know that in your spirit, their spirit work on you. 

Because they will lead you in an unhealthy relationship with God and eventually to the destruction that you'll never notice until you become one of them.

Therefore spiritual-social-distancing is not based on your religion, your pastors or workers of the church, or your Christian parents, but it always depends on you. 

Brethren, think wise for peril time have come. Take spiritual-social-distancing now and always be safe spiritually.


Letter for my Brethren,

I pray that in these last days your salvation that you've once received from Lord Jesus Christ may stay and keep in your heart until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Your spirit may always be open in the voice of the Holy Spirit to guide you in all harm. 

I plead the blood of Jesus Christ to cover you in the name of Jesus' name, Amen.

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  1. Thank you. This is very helpful nowadays.
    God bless you author!

    1. Thank you, SSJ.
      Thank You, Lord. You are the Author.
      God bless you.
