Who is Rahab? - Hebrews 11:31

Let the Lord use you.

TEXT: Hebrews 11:31 “By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not when she had received the spies with peace.”




Did you hear the name Rahab? Or did you read Rahab’s name in the Bible? Are you familiar with her? What did she do? Did she please God? What did she do to pleased God?

The name RAHAB was mentioned 10 times in the Bible, Eight (8) in the Old Testament and two (2) in the New Testament.

Rahab is a harlot who lived in Jericho. She is the one who hides the 2 spies named Joshua and Caleb who were sent by Moses to enter Jericho. 

She helped Joshua and Caleb not because they are customers of Rahab, or they have money to pay for Rahab’s lodge, but she heard how God divide the red sea, how God redeemed and saved Israel in the hands of Egyptians.

How the God of Israel is mighty to save, He is a strong tower, He is a God who saves, and He is the God and no other god like Him.

Although, she never saw face to face what God did to Israel, what mighty works God did to redeemed and saved Israel. She did save Joshua and Caleb’s life.

Even Rahab’s name was mentioned only 10 times in the Bible, what was in Rahab why she became famous as one of the characters of the Bible who gives acknowledgment by God Himself?

And she became one of the men and women of God in faith mentioned in Hebrew 11?





Rahab’s faith is an extraordinary, faith that has no boundaries, faith that is by the spirit, and not by the things that she might see.

Faith that draws her nearer to God and to be part of God’s plan to His nation Israel; what is it? PLAN TO CONQUER JERICHO! 

She has the biggest rule in the scene where the two spies were hiding that moved her to do the impossible task assigned, although Rahab never asks someone to do such a task.

Note: Rahab’s did, was her own decision, she never heard a voice telling her to do that, but because she too wants to.

Faith which is mentioned in Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

An action that even she never saw God’s mighty work face to face, she has the faith to hope on the things that for her is sure to come even she never saw it.


leads that lead her to be saved; Hebrew 11:31 “By faith, the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.”


Faith that made her just before God; James 2:25 “Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received te messengers and had sent them out another way?”


in her faith in God, she became RECHAB mentioned in Matthew one of the women in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.


Secondly: RAHAB’S FEAR and TRUST


Rehab feared God, even she never witnessed face to face what God did to all nations that Israel besieged and conquer.

Psalm 11 “Ye that fears the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.”

Because of Rahab’s fear and trust in God she was saved and her family, and become part of Israel’s nation.

Yes, she was considered one of the Israelites'.




God can use men, no matter who and what they are.

Like Rahab, she is a famous harlot in Jericho, but despite this God use her in mighty works not only to hide Joshua and the Caleb and to be all of Israel but she was also used to be part of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

She became part of God’s plan in Gen 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Because of women that were used and became part of Jesus’ Genealogy, Jesus was born here on earth to use as a frontispiece for Satan’s defeat.



Do you have a heart that wants to be used by God? But you are afraid?

Your reasons might be:

1. Because you don’t have talents like them?

2. Because you are not a good speaker like them?

3. Because you don’t have the ability like them?

4. Because you feel that you are not fitted for the ministry of God?

5. Because you don’t have the characteristics that God is looking for?


Who told you so? Satan, yourself, or others?


Who and what you are, you can be used by God in mighty works in these last days.

Remember God is not after your ability, strength, talents, but He is after your heart which is ready and available to be used for His Glory!

Don’t be afraid to be used by God, because He is the one who controls you, and God also will use you to bruise Satan under your feet.

Rom 16:20  “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you. Amen.”


Letter for my Brethren

I pray that we have the heart of Rahab. That we are always on the side of God, no matter what happened, even the situation seems hard to choose. I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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