Did what we are doing right now can saved us?

When will you spend your time with the Lord?



If you could remember this is one of my questions in the JUST AS I AM blog, a question that until now, I could ask myself if what I am doing right now can save me?

If I ask you, (your name) do you think what are you doing right now could save you?

What will be your answer? Maybe you’ll be like me that will stop and think for a while. Hope as you think about this question, you’ll find an answer, a real answer.

But for me, honestly speaking while this question running through my head I’m not aware that I’m thinking deeply and deeply and just realized that I am asking the Lord if what I am doing right now, can surely save me.

As I do this, God reminds me about one of the kings of Israel who had a dream, think, ask, and plan, everything that man wants to have here on earth, and yet he had everything he dreamed, thought, asked, and planned for his “own pleasure.”

Ecclesiastes 2:10  "And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labor: and this was my portion of all my labour."

For his pleasure means:

1. In his plan, God is not part of it.

2. In his plan, he didn’t give glory to God.

3. In his plan, he didn’t remember and consider the Lord.

For him, it is impossible to have those. For this king what he wants, he gets without difficulties. But in all these things he did not remember and consider the Lord.

Who he is?


He was blessed by the God of his father king David. 

1Kings 3:12  Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.

1Kings 3:13  And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honor: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.

1Kings 3:14  And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk, then I will lengthen thy days.


God gave him the heart to judge and understand what is right and wrong. 1Kings 3:9 “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?”

King Solomon had all riches, power, and honor that any king at his time dreamed about and wants to have. Ecclesiastes 2 (read)

But if you read ECCLESIASTES chapter 1 we can see that King Solomon who has everything that he wants, living in power, riches, and honor seems not happy with the results of what he had.

He realized that all things he had were vanity! Ecclesiastes 1:2 “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”


If we feel the heart of King Solomon when he says “all things he has done under the sun are vanity”; we could understand that for him all things he made under the sun are:

1. What he had is not enough to save him from absolute destruction into hell.

2. What he achieved as a king will not and cannot be a passage to enter heaven.

3. What time he allotted to all works he did under the sun is useless, meaningless, and vain before the Lord.



We, people, are busy on our day by day basis. Some are in their job, doing their best to be promoted; some of you are students, who are doing anything to meet the standard of your parents and to get the highest grade that you believed can save your family status, or even for your future to get a highest paid job.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not telling you this because I want you to quit your job or I want the student to quit school. No! I’m telling you this because there is something much better than what we are doing right now that can save us.

The time we have right now is a borrowed time; A time that if we use in useless, meaningless, and vain works cannot be restored or recovered.

If we use a lot of time, in working, studying and we lack time in serving God; it is useless, meaningless, and vain before God.


1. In any plan we have, God must have a BIG PART of it.

2. In any plan we have, we must give glory to God.

3. In any plan we have, we must remember and consider the Lord.


Remember, what we are doing right now, and it took a lot of time, and even the time that we should spend with God is occupied by the vain works under the sun, it will bring us into destruction!



If you do not want what you are doing right now to fall into useless, meaningless, and vain before God, and could not even save you, SET TIME WITH GOD, and if it is possible with you do what pleases God which is mentioned above.

God wants your time. Not just your SPARE time. He wants your labor (work hard; make a great effort) time.

The time that is valuable for you, spent more time in works that could probably save you.

King Solomon repented and humble himself before God because even, he knew he spent his lot of time in useless, meaningless, and vain works before God.

Because of what he dreamed, asked, planned, and thought, he let his time be wasted by his works under the sun.

We do also work under the sun, but whatever we are doing, remember and consider the Lord as you do, give Him always the highest praise!

Proverbs 3:5  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 3:6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Letter for my Brethren,

I pray to God, our hearts be filled with the desire that God be magnified, be glorify, and be exalted. The Holy Spirit guided and lead us to remember God in all our ways. His precious blood covers and protects you in all evil ways and plans, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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