Saying Grace Before Meal

Prayer is an armor of a Christian in every situation he was in. 

It is a basic action a Christian must do in his daily lives. Because if not so, it could kill you. Why? It is the source of our oxygen. 

Yes. By the grace of God, we are still alive this is not wrong! But as a Christian, we have something to do for us to continue breathing, it is by and through Prayer.

When do you pray? 
It is good to pray anytime! But there is one thing that we should do, that we will give importance today.

What is this?

Are you praying before you get your meal, it is for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Or even in your snack, anything that you put in your mouth, Do you pray?

It is important, but, this is also one that Christians forget and afraid to do so. 

Forgets when they are so hungry. Afraid, when many people are around them.

Do you pray when you are eating at restaurants, fast foods, on the street, and or anywhere you want to eat?

Facts that makes me sad is when Christians remember to take pictures of what they ordered and having time to take selfies before they eat but FORGET TO SAY GRACE TO GOD.


Do you eat with your colleagues, friends, and family at restaurants or any place? Do you pray? 

Or you're afraid someone will see you doing it? Afraid to be bullied by your colleagues, friends, and or by one of the family members that can't understand you?

1. You will be saved from a danger that Satan set before you through the food you will going to take.

I remember the testimony of one of the brothers of mine in the church who are very open with me, in terms of what the Lord did to him. 

He said, "I am so glad of what the Lord did to me because He protects me in a danger that is set before me by the devil." 

The story was this: He arrived home after church service that night, he eats the food that was left by his sister at the table, not noticing that the food was already spoiled. 

The next day, his family was taken by ambulance rushing to the hospital because all of them, except that brother, was poisoned by the food they eat.

When I asked him, what he did why he never experienced a severe stomach ache, LBM, and vomiting which his family experienced. He said, "Because I pray before I eat the food, but my family didn't pray for the food they ate."

Did you see why we should pray for the food we are going to take?

2. God can clean the food we will eat.

Yes. God can also clean the food that we going to take, and this is very important. 

We never know what the chef puts on the food we ordered or how they process the food we going to take.

But, I want to correct someone of the Christians in a way they will pray the food they will take. 

This is the prayer of: "Lord, clean the food we going to take through the blood of Jesus." This prayer is NOT CORRECT AND PROPER. The Blood of Jesus should not be used on the food you will eat. 

The blood of Jesus is so precious, and it is ONLY USE TO CLEANSE OUR SINS AND TO PROTECT US.

Therefore, if you are one who is doing this, STOP IT AND SEE HOW PRECIOUS IS THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

Praying by giving thanks to God through our Lord Jesus Christ is enough.

If you are one of them who are afraid and forget to say grace before you eat, Apostle Paul said in, 1 Corinthians 10:31 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

We are commanded to do all things to glorify the Lord, but how you will do to glory the Lord if you are afraid and forget to pray before a meal?

Sounds like this message is for children, right? But this is not only for Children literally and spiritually speaking, BUT FOR ALL OF NON-CHRISTIAN AND MOST ESPECIALLY TO ALL CHRISTIANS.

Be a habit to say grace to the Lord before you eat your meal.


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