The Lord Jesus Christ made a very unparalleled decision for all mankind. Why did I say this?

When God the Father is looking all over the heaven searching for a worthy offering that will take all the sins of men, God is not looking at Jesus, but He searching and searching around the heaven and He found no one worthy to take the sins of men, until Jesus said, "Here I am Father, sent Me." Only at this moment did God set His eyes on Jesus.

Did God the Father refuse, or reject Jesus' offer? Did God the Father think many times about Jesus' offer? The answer is "NO". He never had a double mind to accepting Jesus' offer, but with gladness He accepts it.

Now, Did Jesus just want to impress The Lord? or did Jesus just wants to try The Lord? The answer is "NO". Jesus has nothing to do to prove Himself to the Lord. As for what the heart of the Father to all mankind, also, Jesus has a heart that wants to save all mankind. His heart was full of compassion and love for all mankind.

Jesus also sacrifices Himself for all of us, knowing what men will do unto Him. He knows already what will happen to Him here on earth before He voluntarily said "Here I am" to the Father, and He knows whatever He has in heaven He cannot bring it to earth.

What is the creation in heaven doing to Him? The angels praise and worship Him, and He has all the respect, honor, love, and good condition in heaven, all of these, Jesus removed and denied to Himself, and He became like men.

Philippians 2:6-7 

[6]  Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: [7]  But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 

How painful and hard are these to Jesus? That what He has in heaven will be turned to disrespect, dishonor, unloved, and unacceptance caused by all men!

Yes! all of us disrespect, dishonor, unloved, and unaccepted Jesus in our life with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We did what is the opposite of Mark 12:30!

Mark 12:30  And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 

We are the ones who rebelled against God for not doing the first commandment for all mankind.

2000 years ago, Jesus died for all of us to be saved. But if we are alive or live in the year when Jesus was born, we are one of them who are shouting "Crucified Him!!". 

What?! Why?! How?! Impossible?!

Maybe all of you will say "it will not happen", "Probably, I will be one of the disciples of Jesus", "I can't hurt Jesus", and many more denials you could ever think of. But I will tell you, what we were doing right now, is saying and shouting "crucified Him!!".

How did I say this? Because we proclaimed we are CHRISTIANS but we are the ones who are not doing what Christ did when He was on earth. 

Sad to say but we as Christians are expecting God to do what the Lord Jesus Christ did, but we are one of them who is rejecting, dishonoring, and unloving the Lord Jesus!

Until now, Jesus is feeling hurt caused by men nowadays.


1. He loved us more than His own life

Romans 5:8  

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 

2He wants our sins which are scarlet be white as snow.

3. He wants all men to enter heaven and be with Him forever.

4. He wants us to be saved, has eternal life, and live with Him forever.

That's the main reason why Jesus sacrifice for us. His love for us led Him to give His life for us. He didn't value His own life and counted His life as no reputation for us to be saved.

We can't save ourselves, we can't do our sins be white as snow, and we can't have eternal life by doing good alone! It is Jesus who is without sins, who has the blood that can wash us and cleanse us.

If God the Father and Jesus Christ sacrifice for you to have eternal life, be in heaven, and be saved, what will you give to God and Jesus Christ?


Letter for my Brethren
I pray that our life be remembered by God and do what He pleases.
May you always feel the presence of the Lord. 
I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you in Jesus' name, Amen.

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