Did I win Christ?

win the lost at any cost

One of the purpose, why I've created a blog, is because I want to reach many people for the Lord, and because of COVID19, it's very impossible for me to do the usual thing that I do in the Ministry. 

But while doing this, at the back of my mind I want every one of us to be a blessing to everyone, be used by God for His mighty works, to be an encouragement towards others, and most especially, for you to be used by God to tell Jesus to someone that is closed to you or to a stranger.

However, before we win souls (non-Christians and backsliders) for Christ, it is a fact that we should win first the Lord Jesus Christ?

The question is have you won the Lord Jesus Christ? Some Christians believe that being Christian they have already won Christ. But I'm telling you that we're not won Christ yet.

In every competition/tournament winning is always at the end, but while we were in a competition/tournament we can win Christ. Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:8  Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 

Even Apostle Paul is known as the best Apostle in his time, he did say those words. Imagine what he did in the ministry, how he worked in the ministry but then he said THAT HE MAY WIN CHRIST. Meaning, for Apostle Paul, what he did in the ministry is not enough to win Christ. 


Before the conversion of Apostle Paul, he is Saul who is called the "Pharisee of Pharisees", an "intensely persecutor of all Christians". He is well-known in society. 

But in Philippians 3:8  Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, here in this verse, Apostle Paul said his secret to winning Christ, what is it?

Apostle Paul considers all things he has, considers all things that he gains that in this world has value and can be proud of, as a loss and dung.

For Apostle Paul, all things that are in the world that for most of the people have their value and can be proud of; like jobs, popularity, money, power, authority, riches/wealth, and such like this, for him, these are loss and dung. 

1. Unworthy
2. Unvalued
3. Cannot be proud of
4. Waste

He feels remorse and shame for what he achieved in this world. But he counts more profitably of what he has and what he achieved because of following Jesus. 

If we look at what we have today and what we have achieved, did those things are more profitable for you? 


If you want to win Christ you need to see what Apostle Paul has seen in what he has achieved. You need to consider them as loss and dung. Because if not, you've only lost Jesus.

I did share this because I don't want that what we have today will hinder us to win Christ, I told you I made this blog to reach many people for Christ and I want you also to be used by God for your friends, colleagues, and to you family. One effectively used by God is to consider the things in this world as loss and dung, and the most profitable are the things of God.

Brethren, don't think that to be used by God is only for those who are called in the ministry. NO! once someone was experienced to be saved, God has a purpose why that man was saved, that is to be used by God for His own glory. 

Did you consider it as saved? then, be used by God in these last days and consider all things in this world as a loss and dung.


Letter for my Brethren
I pray that you may be used by God for His own glory. His love for others be filled in your heart today. The compassion for the lost be with you as you see them.

The Holy Spirit of God be with you while you were sharing the word of God to them.

I plead the blood of Jesus to cover you in Jesus' name, Amen.

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