What the words "It is well" in 2 KINGS 4:26 means?


Did you hear this question today?  If not, maybe I’m not too late to ask you “How are you?

This question is easy to ask, but for me honestly, this question is very hard to answer especially when I am not in a good situation. When I don't feel to speak of things that I don't like to talk about.

A hard question to answer, when everything around you is failing, falling, braking. When you feel empty. When you feel you are uncared, unloved, when you're work never been appreciated by someone. 

Did you feel the same? Or you are one of them who are waiting to ask you “how are you?”

Without exaggeration! Before, I feel like I am in a question and answer portion in a beauty contest if someone asks me this question because I need to pause for a while before I answer.

That’s why I’m so proud of someone when they answer this question without hesitation, without a doubt, and full of confidence.


I learn to answer this question especially when I was not in a good situation, when I don’t know what to do when around’s me are failing, falling, broken, when I feel empty, and when I feel that no one cares about me.

Now, I’m doing these, when someone asked me this question, and these things really help me a lot.  

And I want you also to learn how to answer this question that the Lord will please in you when He hears you answering this question.

How to react and what words we will use to answer the question "How are you?"

1. I learn to smile. - You must learn to smile, even your heart is not feeling that way. Is this hypocrisy? NO. Smile is showing your positivity and accepting the situation you were in. It is what Apostle James said in James 1:2 "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; " He never said CRY|MOURN, but rather he said JOY. The word TEMPTATIONS here is ALL KINDS OF BAD|WORST SITUATIONS.

We should learn to be happy even we see and feel the negativity of the situation. After all, SMILING IS SHOWING ALSO YOUR FAITH THAT THE LORD YOU WERE SERVING IS THE LORD THAT HAS THE CONTROL OF YOUR SITUATION.


2. Learn to think of the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord. - Best thing that you could ever do! Can we do to think positively even we are in a bad situation? YES! Philippians 4:8  "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

These are the things that we should think about all the time. These things will help us to overcome all negative emotions and thoughts that the devil wants to fill our hearts and mind.

3. I learn to answer this: “IT IS WELL”.  - There's nothing wrong if we say "I'm okay", "I am fine". But, the good answer that we should answer is "IT IS WELL". 

I don't know if you said this with your colleagues, fellow believers of Christ. However, in the Bible, there is a woman who was in an unexpected situation, a situation that she never imagined could happen to her family. 


In 2 Kings 4:8 - 26 – This verse tells about the Shunammite who was given a son by God through Elisha. Unfortunately, their son died and she went to Elisha, a man of God, asking help for her son.

Look how positive this woman when she was asked by Gehazi, Elisha’s servant.

2 Kings 4:26 “Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

This Shunammite woman answered a right, positive, and full of faith answer. Even how bad the situation she faced, she never said any complaining, angry, and anxiousness in Elisha's servant, but rather, in a polite, calm way she answered "It is well"


Are you in a situation that you never imagine that will happened to you? A situation that will and can lead you to say and to think negatively to others, in yourself, to God.

I tell you, brethren, it will help you better when you will say and think positively even the situation says not so.  When you will say “IT IS WELL” in every situation you are in, you will feel the situation changes. Because you’re not only saying this but like the Shunamite you speak in the right, positive, and full of faith confession.

It works on me, so I’m saying this right now with the right, positive, and full of faith, IT CAN ALSO HAPPEN ON YOU, BRETHREN.



Letter for my Brethren
I pray that whatever situation you were in your heart find rest from God. I plead the Blood of Jesus to cover you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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  1. What kind of faith the woman has for her to continually say, it is well, despite of unfavourable situation she's in.

  2. Hi!!! For me, there is no small, great, or greater faith for us to say, It is well, as long as we believe that the Lord is with us in every situation we were in, especially in times of we don't know what to do.
    - Thank you! God bless you!!
    agree or not, may I know it. :)

  3. Yes, It is well, with God.

    But can a person say, "it is well" when her faith is little? I doubt it. Little faith doubts.

    How can she says, it is well, if she's doubting? Why lie to her own self?

    1. As what I've said in this blog, whatever situation we are especially when we are in a situation we don't know what we will do, - it tested our faith, it is better to say "It is well" because the doubts that was with us will turn into trust and confidence that the Lord is with us. Don't let doubt broke the little faith for not saying "it is well" but rather strive to say it to show to the devil that you have faith to be a overcomer.

      it is not lying to yourself but you just exercising your faith. Remember Satan can hear you and you can defeat him by saying that out loud.

      God Bless!!!

    2. Amen. Thank you Marie Ate.
      To God be the glory!

    3. Thank u. God bless you. Jesus Loves and cares for you :)
